Caligari trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition V2.1 by Cellulo 31 October 2016 ======================================== This version of trueSpace is unofficial and not related to the Caligari company or Microsoft company the last owner of the mark. It's a special version of trueSpace 7.6 that was set and concentrate only on the Modelside view (aka trueSpace 6.6), made for people that liked and used the old version of trueSpace 6.6 in his gold age, renamed "modelside" inside "trueSpace 7.6" and "trueSpace 7.61 beta 8 full". Of course it's not a new build from source code because trueSpace's source code is not available, it's only a setting that launch trueSpace in Modelside mode only at the first starting. If you want to use the Workspace side with his real-time engine (DirectX engine), it's better to install the "trueSpace 7.61 B8 full version" or the "trueSpace 7.61 Standalone version" with unofficial updates. About the Animation in the Modelside, it's better to use the "MotionStudio plugin (See in "tsx\animation" folder)" to make animation and finally make your render. MotionStudio is already set at the start up of trueSpace ME 2.1, if you want to make animation for exporting in game engine, you must use the native tools animation system of trueSpace that can be enhanced with some plugins dedicated only for the native tools animation of trueSpace (See in "tsx/animation" folder) but some of these plugins can work together with MotionStudio, read the MotionStudio documentation manual to have more information about the usage of plugins animation that work with MotionStudio. You want to learn trueSpace Modelside (aka trueSpace 6.6) in depth and mastering it, then go on my website at this link : , you can download all officials videos tutorials that was released for free in 2008 before the closing of the Caligari homepage in 2012, all videos are sorted in learning curve by a number, also you can find some tutorials and help docs for the plugins, browse all plugins folders to find them, warning some plugins need to be set before launching them without problems, see the big list of plugins below to see some installation instructions and also don't forget to read the manual (See in the "PDFMan" folder or launch "ts76_manual.html" from the trueSpace menu goup) of trueSpace 7.6 to understand this wonderful 3D modeling program that is very easy to learn and intuitive. If you have problems, need help or want asking some questions about trueSpace 7.6 (Workspace and Modelside), go on these cool forums maybe the last community about trueSpace on the web at : "" or "". ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** *WARNING: When you modeling, rendering or using some shaders in trueSpace sometimes you can have a crash and lost your scene, to avoid that problem, you can use these three plugins "Autosave1.3", *"Autosaver" or "trueSaver inside "Utility_Pack" plugin" from "tsx/INTERFACE" folder, these plugins have a timer that need to be set in minutes to save your scene at regular intervals. Don't forget *to use them, this will save your work. * * ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Last words, i want to say a big thanks to Caligari team (Founder: Roman Ormandy) for making this cool and unique 3d program. Special thanks to the following people: trueBlue, Emmanuel, DesignDevil, Fenerit, stan, Centene, Bitkar, frank, Ian, Glen, Marcel and Draise for sharing their plugins, shaders, patches, unofficial updates, tutorials, examples files, tips and others files. Caligari trueSpace 6.6 will never die and will not be forgotten! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION OF CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION 2.1: ============================================================================= Launch the setup file installation : "tS76_Modelside_Edition_V2.1.exe", this will install "Caligari trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition V2.1" and create a desktop icon. It's better to keep the default path installation. FIRST LAUNCH OF CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION 2.1 AND INCREASE THE POWER OF THE MODELSIDE ( AKA TRUESPACE 6.6 ) WITH SOME PLUGINS: ============================================================================================================================================ After the fresh installation of trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition 2.1, now you can start trueSpace, as you can see for the first time launching you have the Modelside view with all icons expanded, all these icons are the basic features of the Modelside, you can increase the functionnality of the Modelside by loading several plugins and enhance the Modelside, same things can be do for the shaders files, and also some shaders can be loaded with the "Custom Global Shaders" tool don't forget to use it. The MotionStudioPro is the only plugin that i have loaded inside the default Caligari "Icons expanded.tsc" file. You can try my personal config UI file with some great and useful plugins already loaded that make the life simpler, i have ordered them in logical way with all default tools and their own functions, If you want to use my personal config UI, you need to click on the "Tools icon" (in lower-left of the screen) and click on the "Modelside Edition V2.1" thumbnail, this will change your config UI instantly and can get some warnings dialog boxes about compatibility plugins just click "No" button on all dialog boxes that appear, the next time you launch trueSpace ME 2.1 , the warnings dialog boxes don't appear anymore the next time you launch trueSpace, the "Modelside Edition 2.1" config UI will be the default config UI for the modelside. *.tsc" files are the config UI extension file, they are located in the "tS\Configs" folder. Also you can made your own config UI like i do myself, see the manual to have more informations about custom UI. Now you are ready to make cool 3D scene. TUTORIAL TO LOAD PLUGINS ( *.tsx file ): ======================================== By example we will set the "Magicbox" plugin for the Modelside. Follows these steps to load a plugin. -1) Click on "Install new trueSpace eXtension" icon, the icon with the plug and plugin text. -2) This will open a window that point directly in the "tsx" folder where all plugins are stored by category. -3) Go in "INTERFACE" folder, open the "DD_MagicBox" folder and load the "MagicBox.tsx" file. -4) This will add a new icon at bottom of the screen that represent the new feature added. -5) Click on the new icon to activate the new feature called MagicBox. -6) When you exit trueSpace, and after relaunch trueSpace, you don't need to load again the MagicBox plugin, it's already saved in the setting file of trueSpace. -7) You can do that for all plugins, you can also create a custom menubar only with plugins, if you want to remove a plugin it's easy, click on the icon plugin that you want remove with the left mouse button and hold the shift or Ctrl key, and drag n drop the icon plugin on the garbage "Trashcan" icon at bottom left side of the screen, this action will delete the icon plugin but not the tsx file. -8) Don't hesitate to try others plugins, go in the "tsx" folder with your explorer file, you can find some help documentations and tutorials in all plugins folders. -9) See the official pdf manual files of trueSpace to have more informations about the management of plugins, shaders and creation of custom icons bar. WARNING: On a plugin icon, the "Ctrl" key can make a copy of the plugin to make a new custom plugin bar, the "Shift" key move away the plugin from the main plugin bar or custom plugin bar. FOR A COMPLETE UNINSTALL OF CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION V2.1: ========================================================================== -1)Go in the program menu of the "Caligari trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition" and click "Uninstall", this will uninstall completely trueSpace76_MS_Edition_V2.1. -2)Some files cannot be uninstalled by the uninstall setup you need to delete them manually, if you have installed trueSpace 7.6 in "trueSpace76_MS_Edition_V2.1" folder, just delete the whole folder, but before to do that check the folder in case you have saved your work (libraries, scenes or objects) inside the trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition folder. -3)You have successfully uninstall "Caligari trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition V2.1 from your computer. ABOUT THE CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION V2.1 version (also include all previous content from V2.0 version, V1.0 version & Addon patch version): ========================================================================================================================================================== -Updated the trueSpace logo and icons in the main program and also in the setup installation to match the new number version. -Updated new config file, file name "Modelside Edition V2.1.tsc". (added some new plugins in the UI.) -Updated "tSxColourPicker_1.3" plugin, made by Fenerit. -Updated "tSxMultiText_1.2" plugin, made by Fenerit. -Updated "tSxSVGEport_1.3" plugin, made by Fenerit. -Translated the french light lesson (Cours Lumière) documentation in english version, originally writed by Emmanuel Asset ( See in the "PDFMan" folder ). -Added all icons in BMP files from the trueSpace Modelside UI to make your own tutorials but without the plugins icons.( See in the "PDFMan\tSModelside_icons_for_making_tutorials" folder ). -Added new library object : "tS_legacy_objects.obl", this folder have some old 3d objects from trueSpace 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 version. -Added new physic scene example file "Wgears.scn" in "physics.scl" folder from trueSpace 5.0. -Added Freebasic 0.23.0 with the FBedit IDE programs in the Freebasic trueSpace SDK version, ready to use and test examples files made by DesignDevil. -Added the missing documentation about "UV mesh color" in Surfacing chapter, see in "ts76_manual.html". -Added some stuff from "Caligari iSpace 1.1 version" in "library" folder, ( "materials_iSpace.mtl", clean_iSpace.mtl, exotic_iSpace.mtl, house_iSpace.mtl, wood_iSpace.mtl, "lights_iSpace.lgl", lights_iSpace_mono.lgl, some textures and "iSpace_objects" and "iSpace_anim_objects" libraries. ) -Added video example for the "SceneExplorer" plugin -Added video example for the "spotty" plugin. -Added documentation file for the "sprinkle" plugin. -Added video tutorial for the "Lightmanager" plugin. -Added 3 new scene "Autum9 and OceanSunrise0 made by Stan Slaughter" and "Office made by Chris McLean", see in scene library and load scene folder. -Added "readme_2016.txt" file for the installation steps of the Freebasic SDK, see in the Freebasic SDK folder. -Restored Vray libraries (materials, lights etc..) in Workspace side. -Resorted some libraries. -Moved "SDK_tS66" folder from "tsx" folder to "tS" folder. -Moved "Axetools" plugin from "INTERFACE" folder to "MODELING" folder. -Moved "Shakadelic" plugin from "INTERFACE" folder to "ANIMATION" folder. -Moved "FreeCP234" plugins from "INTERFACE" folder to "TSX" folder. -Added "SJ Slicer" plugin source code. -Added "QuickPoly" plugin, made by Gordon Stanton. -Added "Volumetric_Fog_1.0" plugin with source code, made by Richard Robinson "Nall". -Added "Utility_Pack" plugin, made by Casey Langen, include 3 plugins : (Click 'n Fetch, trueSaver and Select-It plugins.) -Added "Plugin_Bar" plugin, made by Casey Langen. -Added "Plugin_Pack_1.0" plugin, made by Casey Langen, include 5 plugins :(Autosaver, Animation Attacher, Click 'n' Fetch2, Real-Time Primitives and Object Replacer plugins.) -Added "Import_SVG" plugin, made by Dino Winter. -Added "ObjectMoveCopy" plugin, made by Libor Štolc. -Added "Repositioner" plugin with source code, made by Richard Robinson "Nall". -Added "etc103 Demo" plugin, made by u|v Urban Velkavrh. -Added "Primitives3" source code plugin only, made by Richard Robinson "Nall" -Added "Geosphere_1.0_Demo" plugin, made by Rodrigo Hernández (Aeon Games). -Added "GFX_realUVmap_1.1" plugin, made by u|v Urban Velkavrh. -Added "WiredForSound" plugin, made by Aardwerk Software. -Added "AniNoise" plugin, made by Aardwerk Software. -Added "trueObject_1.0" plugin, made by Nekind. -Added "PowerAni" plugin, made by PCSS. -Added "SHinfo1.0" plugin, made by Richard Robinson "Nall". -Added "ViewMaster" plugin, made by Naked Hoof. -Added "PopMenu_0.9.2" plugin, made by Pavel Kudrys.( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Added "PanCamera1.1" plugin, made by Pavel Kudrys. ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Added "Objectloader1.3" plugin, made by Pavel Kudrys. ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Added "Magnetic1.0" plugin, made by Pavel Kudrys. ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Added "Hide1.1" plugin, made by Pavel Kudrys. ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Added "Autosave1.3" plugin, made by Pavel Kudrys. ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Added "ObjectBrowser" plugin, made Rich Wolkins. -Added "Moveaxes" plugin, made by Dino Winter. -Added "Wipe" plugin, made by Simon Windmill. -Added "ObjectGenerator" plugin, made by PCSS. -Added "PowerAni", plugin made by PCSS. -Added "Firepower", plugin made by PCSS. -Added "fabulousExpando", plugin with source code, made by Alan McIntyre. -Added "Particlz" plugin, made by Tom Schlosser, plugin from trueSpace 3.2 version. -Added "PoorMocap" plugin, made by Rodrigo Hernández (Aeongames). -Added "Spotty Lighting" plugin, made by Daniel Sterckx. -Added "SelectionBoxHide" plugin, made by Gordon Stanton. -Added "ObjectSave" plugin, made by Gordon Stanton. -Added "ObjectSnap" plugin, made by Libor Štolc. -Added "APlane" plugin, made by Johny Tho. -Added "AnimDote_1.1" plugin, made by Richard Robinson "Nall" and Joseph Brewer. -Added "Mapper 1.2.1 Demo" plugin, made by Rodrigo Hernández (Aeongames), need to launch the installation setup file to install it. -Added "Space_it" plugin, made by Ronald Rainwater. -Added "toggleAllAxes", "normalizeAxes", "invertCurve" and "invertPatch" plugins, made by I. Clinton Reese -Added "Cityblock 1.1" plugin, made by Bill Crowe. -Added "ClothRelaxer" plugin, made by Primitive Itch" -Added "PipeWorks" plugin, made by Richard Robinson aka Remnar. -Added "strutEdge251" plugin, made by Richard Robinson aka Remnar. -Added "Wave Generator 1.5 Demo" plugin, made by Lightning Software’s. -Added "tsxSymbols_1.0" plugin, made by Fenerit. -Added "wsnh" plugin, made by Joe Messina. -Added "CSM Exporter" plugin ( for Cartography Shop 4.1 Tool mapmaker), made by EddieRay. -Added "Hold&Fetch" plugin, made by Greg Bassett ( you need to create a temp folder at "c:\temp" or the plugin don't work. ) -Added "Blend-O-Matic" plugin, made by Alain Bellon. -Added "Colour roulette 1.0.0" plugin, made by Pinacoderm. -Added "D.S.Fractal Noise (Color,Displacement,Transparency)" shaders, made by Frank J. Ramsay (for Digital Soapbox). -Added "Perlin Noise Shader 1.0" shader, made by Frank J. Ramsay. -Added "Posterize" shader for Shaderlab 2.4 made by Ian Kirkley. -Added new shaderlab2 shaders ( snow, rivets and others misc shaders ) made by Glen Adomovicz ( -About Simbiont 2.51 plugin installation, if you don't use the default path installation folder "C:\trueSpace76_MS_Edition_V2.1\" then you need to edit the "Simbiont.cfg" file from the "configs" folder and replace the lines with your custom trueSpace path installation folder to have a working Simbiont plugin without errors. ABOUT THE CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION V2.0 version (also include all previous content from "V1.0" version & "Addon patch" version) : (Released in December 2015) ================================================================================================================================================= -Added default layout "Modelside Edition V2" Workspace tab, all icons tools are expanded with only the MotionStudio plugin loaded, if you lost the layout by mistake, just click on "Modelside Edition V2" tab to restore the Modelside view set with the "icons_expanded.tsc" file loaded by default. -Added new logo for the desktop, made by DesignDevil ( -Added new logo for the setup installer, (Mecha1 robot made by Kenji Hasegawa) -Added new config file that have new UI icons layout with some plugins loaded for the whole interface, file name "Modelside Edition V2.1.tsc". -Added new Wireframe UI colors schem when editing polygon. -Added some new shortcuts keys like Blender shortcuts keys, see the complete list in tS76_manual.html, to go back with the original keys, just rename the file "trueSpace.key.bak" in "trueSpace.key". -Added new "TsCommon.dll" that change some icons and add custom logo (Mecha2 robot made by Kenji Hasegawa), file made by Emmanuel and Cellulo, to go back with the original icons, just rename the file "TsCommon.bak" in "TsCommon.dll". -Added new menu at top right of the main screen for the modelside view, made by Emmanuel, (source: There is a bug with tooltips in tS7.6 that removes the numbers you enter in data fields if the mouse cursor is over a zone that calls a tooltip. To avoid this bug, you can now turn off the tooltips options in the new menu. -Added "VRay 1.53" plugin render engine, less features than 3dsMAX version and today VRay version but useful for architectural rendering indoor and outdoor scene. (Big thanks to Emmanuel to share the file.) -Added Spline Polygon tool from the Workspace toolbar, tool for the Modelside, made by Emmanuel, see topic: "" -Added Bisect plugin, made by Ken Tylman, file shared by Emmanuel. -Removed VirtuaLight render engine because it's old, slow and no multi-core CPU. It's better to use Lightworks, VRay or Dribble render engines. -Added new tutorials for ClothMotion plugin, Magnetic Vertex plugin, PrimalParticles plugin and PrimalParticlesFX plugin from "". -Added "box_reference" scene library, made by JimB, ( -Added "AnimaCinema" plugin, made by unknown, (fixed the title name of the plugin and added new logo icon button) -Added "FlammaLux1.0" plugin, made by Gustavio Migélez Carballeira. -Added "tSXHorn 1.4" plugin, made by Fenerit. -Added "UVRip" plugin, made by Bendys. -Added "ts2Ogre" exporter plugin for Ogre3D engine, made by TheComputerGuru, compiled source code by stan ( -Added "tSXSpring 1.4" plugin, made by Fenerit. -Restored "lightman" plugin made by Richard R., my own mistake mixed both files Lightman plugin with Lightmanager plugin in one folder, now it's fixed. -Added "TransparentTurbolence.tss" shader (version 1.2), made by Fenerit. -Added "freecp1234" plugins source code and "toon up pro", "reflects pro" shaders source code. -Added "Layery" plugin, made by Primitive Itch. -Merged the two help pages in one page for the Simple Dissect plugin. -Added source code (in freebasic) for some plugins made by DesignDevil. -Added "DD_Widgets" made by DesignDevil. -Added "triGrids" plugin made by Jonathan G. Koehn. -Added "A11lock" plugin made by TMU Aardwerk Software. -Added "FlipUV" plugins made by unknown japanese. -Modified Styx and Scatter videos tutorials to keep only the video without the audio to decrease the size files. -Translated "MeltMeshLE101.tsx" plugin japanese version in english version. -Added "peWidget" plugin made by I. Clinton Reese -Added "Meshsize 1.5" plugin made by Bendy's 3D Systems -Added "Sprinkle" plugin made by Brett Fattori. -Added "FullTextures and TrueFloor1" plugins made by Libor_Stolc. -Added "PViewer and pView2Cam" plugins made by Zion3D. -Added "HairPlug_ts5" plugin made by Primitive Itch, to make polygon hair, better version than the recent 1.3 version that is too buggy. -Added "Hairtsx" plugin made by Primitive Itch, to make polygon hair (not stable but useful). -Added "Volumetric Fog 2.00b6a plugin, made by Richard Robinson -Added "3D Light Array Generator" plugin, made by Casey Langen ( -Added "Nailer" plugin, made by Greg_Basset. -Added "ertex" plugin, made by Ed Phillips. -Added "ObjectAxes" plugin made by Chikara Kojima, this plugin show the axes of the object selected and can be moved where you want freely. -Added "PCloud_export" plugin, made by Fenerit (source: -Added "SVG_export" plugin, made by Fenerit (source: -Added "viewLib 1.2" plugin at base of tsx folder, made by Fenerit (source: -Added "Toolslib" plugins at base of tsx folder, made by Fenerit (source: -Updated plugins ( made by Clintonman) for : "nurbs revolve/lathe" - new preview curve, cancel removes the rail curve, nurbs surface gets it's name from the original profile curve "nurbs info" - more interactive display, demo youtube video "weld curve" - option to automatically orient the curves for welding, final curve name is "welded curve" "weld patch" - final patch name "welded patch" "rebuild curves and patches" - name patch based on original, smaller ui -Added "Polygon_to_nurbs" and "Nurbs_to_polygon" plugins made by Clintonman. -Added "SpinQ" plugin made by John Thomas, this plugin turn edge on face. (taked from gameSpace 1.6 version) -Added "GMs_Primitive" plugin, it was made to replace trueSpace's primitive panel for creating basic object, made by Richard Rodriguez. -Added "Object_merging" and "Skin_from_sections" plugins made by Studio UTAHIME ( -Added "shiny 1", "glossy_5" and "pencil art" shaders for Shaderlab 2.4 made by Ian Kirkley. -Added "pencil art", "overshadow3_test", "glass_test", "glasstastic_test", "wave_foam_test2" and "3d_noise" shaders for Shadermagic made by Ian Kirkley. -Added "escher" shader for Shadermagic made by Kevin Tracey. -Added "carpetmeister3" and "castanedas_house_of_flooring" shaders for Shadermagic made by Todd Williams. -Added "smoothreflect" shader for Shaderlab 2.4 made by Vicking. -Added "Chromaglass.tss" shader made by nightflight, (mfc71.dll , msvcr71.dll , msvcp71.dll files are needed in your system32 folder or put them in material shader folder, dll files can be found on the internet). -Added "wfmmsphereglo.tss" shader made by simon windmill fraser multimedia, inc. ( -Added minor change in the Motionstudio documentation help file. -Moved "PolyFree" plugins inside the "PolyTools" plugins folder, also created and added help usage informations of PolyFree plugins inside the "manual.html" page file of PolyTools help. -Added new manual.html page file for the Polytools plugins (see in Polytools folder), also with some Susan Lee's tips ( -Added the help html page of the "fakeSpace mini Manual for beginners, Making of Mecha and Kenji's Gallery" all made by Kenji Hasegawa (nananaFactory homepage), updated and translated in english by myself, Cellulo. -Added the Designdevil youtube video tutorial link for Clothmotion plugin in the manual of Clothmotion. -Added Python DOC in the SDK folder with some examples files, source : stan , -Added minor change in the "ts76_manual.html" help file. -Added videos tutorials for Styx and Scatter plugins made by Robert Robinson, they have no sound to win some megaoctets. -Added trueParticles examples files from "Caligari trueSpace for Illustrators" version. -Added some better tSdepot tutorials pdf files (better images and text). -Added JOINTBARS.cob file in tsx folder to have cube joint instead of sphere joint in Motion Studio plugin (See tips for Motion Studio in the documentation). -Added some files from "gameSpace 1.6" to have the capability to export in the MD3 quake3 format and B3D blitzbasic 3D format, all others games formats that appear in the menu don't work, :(. -Removed all pdf help files related to the Workspace side, no need them for the Modelside edition. -Restored the Vickie Eagle tutorial "trueSpace 7.6 for darkbasic pro" in "ts76_manual.html" html page file; Original source: -Added the Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Packages in the installation setup, required for some plugins. -Fixed some files that was not deleted correctly by the uninstalling setup. -Modified Simbiont 2.51 plugin installation, it don't need to be installed manually after the installation of Modelside edition but if you don't use the default path installation folder "C:\trueSpace76_MS_Edition_V2\" then you need to edit the "Simbiont.cfg" file from the "configs" folder and replace the lines with your custom trueSpace path installation folder. ABOUT THE CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION V1.0 version (also all previous content from the addon version) :(Released in December 2014) ==================================================================================================================== -Now the Addon is a part of Caligari trueSpace 7.6, all bundled in one setup file installation and new name "Caligari trueSpace 7.6 Modelside Edition V1.0". -By default trueSpace start directly in the Modelside view with all icons expanded (bridge set to off in Workspace and texture set to 2048 in modelside as default settings). -Added SceneExplorer.tsx plugin (beta) in "tsx/Interface" folder, made by designDevil. -Added ObjectList.tsx plugin in "tsx/Interface" folder, made by Libor_Stolc. -Added some useful freeware programs in "UTILS" folder (see below for description or click in the group menu "Utils folder ( freeware programs )". -Removed official video and examples files related to the Workspace side to win some megaoctets for the setup installation size file. -Also include all contents from the previous addon patch v1.0 (see below). ABOUT THE MODELSIDE ADDON PATCH V1.0 (old name of the addon) (Released in December 2013): ============================================================ -Added PDF documentation files for the modelside bundle with the official pdf files. ( see "ts76_manual.html" ) -Added the last unofficial update made by the members trueBlue and Clintonman from the community "". -Added New "tS7.exe" file patched to use more than 4gb ram under 64bit system, because trueSpace is a 32 bit program and have limited of 4gb ram usage, this patch increase the ram memory usage available on your 64 bit system, you can find the original tS7 file no patched under the name "tS7.bak" just rename ".bak" in ".exe" to restore the original file name. -Added all plugins and shaders available from internet with documentation and tutorials. ( we are near to have all free plugins available on the net). -Added new shortcuts links for the help doc files, from the the programs menu of trueSpace 7.6 and also the uninstall patch link to uninstall the modelside addon patch properly. -Added Simbiont 2.51 plugin in "Utils" folder that need to be installed manually after the installation of Modelside edition. -Unlocked by default all Chikara Kojima's plugins that need password code to unlock limitations, all plugins are already writed in the registry base of Windows, no need to write the password when right-clicking on the Chikara Kojima plugin icon inside trueSpace modelside interface. FULL DESCRIPTION OF CALIGARI TRUESPACE 7.6 MODELSIDE EDITION V2.1: ================================================================== DOCUMENTATION ( "PDFMan" folder ): ============= -Added new ts76_manual.html, these show the trueSpace 6.6 help content with new icons at left and the old icons at right on the page. -Added the missing chapter 29 Trueparticles with these examples files from "trueSpace 6.6 for Illustrators version" also include in the chm help file. -Replaced the help chm file "ts65Help.chm" by new one. -Replaced the pdf help files quickcard 1 and quickcard 2 by new ones to match tS 6.6 new icons inside trueSpace 7.6. Made by Cellulo. -Added Bones tutorial made by Reiner Prokein in the ts76_manual.html index help page, See Chapter 25. -Added the tS depot pdf tutorials files link in the ts76_manual.html index help page from the old homepage -Added Light lesson page in the ts76_manual.html index help page made by Emmanuel Asset (also available in english) (Thanks Emmanuel) DOCUMENTATION PLUGINS ( "tsx" folder ) : ===================== -Added new MotionStudio help documentation, merged with the tutorials made by Frank Ladner, some youtube videos links made by DesignDevil and Oliver Röhe and new page full of tips by frank ladner and completed by me Cellulo. (Thanks to them !!). -Added the tutorial skinmodifier made by frank ladner for the plugin skinmodifier 1.23. ( original link: -Added and modified new documentation for all Chikara Kojima's plugins. -Added the pdf manual file version for the plugin Primalparticles FX. SHADERS ( "global/material" folders ): ======= -Added Frank.smb, FrankFirst.smb, Solas-SM-Metallic2.smb, Texture Mixer.smb and Translucency.smb shaders for shadermagic by Frank Ladner (Thanks frank!) -Added Megaglow.tss shader by Chikara Kojima. -Added Tomasz Jaskowiec's fake subsurface scattering shader for ShaderLab 2 ( simple_subsurface.sbn ). -Added Yamano shaders ( Fresnel, depth, Noise and phong ) from made by Mao Morimoto -Added MbaCloudMarble shader (with source code) made by Mark B Allan from -Added redShift shader, it's a set of trueSpace image adjustment post-processing filters made by u|v Urban Velkavrh in shaders/material folder. -Added Ray Catcher 1.5 shader + examples scenes in library, it's a reflectant shader and should be loaded into the Reflectant Channel, see in shaders/global folder. made by Jonathan G. Koehn. -Added documentation for ANIME Shader.tss shader. Others Misc things in Shaders : -ANIME Shader.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -Chromaglass.tss____by____nightflight -ColorGradient.tss____by____Caligari -crumple.tss____by____Frank J. Ramsay -D.S.Fractal Noise (Color,Displacement,Transparency).tss____by____Frank J. Ramsay ( for Digital Soapbox) -EdgeAlpha_ts5.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -EdgeColor_ts5.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -EdgeReflect_ts5.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -Fast GI Shader for trueSpace 6.6_(tjvfastgifree.tss)____by____Tomasz Jaskowiec a.k.a. T.J.Viking -Freecp1____by____Simon Windmill -FreecpBloom____by____Simon Windmill -FreecpReflectspro____by____Simon Windmill -FreecpToonpro____by____Simon Windmill -HexaColorPicker.tss____by____Johny Tho -HexaPicker.tss____by____Johny Tho -MbaCloudMarble shader____by____Mark B Allan_ -MegaGlow.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -Perlin_noise.tss____by____Frank J. Ramsay -PrimalParticles____by____Primitive Itch -Ray Catcher 1.5.tss____by____Jonathan G. Koehn -redShift.tss____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -RefMap_ts5.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -sandstorm_ts5.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -ShaderLab2____by____Primitive Itch -ShaderMagic____by____Gallo Soft (version 1.03: fixed the memory bug leak and error dialog box after launching trueSpace under recent Windows.) -Shady1.20____by____U|V Urban Velkavrh -SimbiontTS.tss____by____ -SoftReflection.tss____by____Chikara Kojima -TransparentTurbolence.tss____by____Fenerit -TranspGradient.tss____by____Caligari -uvioPSD.tSS____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -uvtoon100b6____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -Yamano shaders (noise,fresnel,phong,depth)____by____ made by Mao Morimoto MISC: ==== -Added fix for the "unlook at script" (for the workspace side) that is included in the unofficial updates, made by Clintonman. -Added some objects and shaders for the Modelside from the program GameSpace lite. -Added new objects,scenes,FA objects (new heads) from this url____"" -Added some missing 3d objects from "trueSpace 6.6 for Illusrator" for trueSpace 6.6 Modelside. -Added the sphere object scene from "" -Added the wood bump example scene made by Buzz, see Buzz_wood_bump_example_info.jpg for explanation. Original Buzz post : "" -Added the metal galvanized scene example made by Buzz : -Added the DOF scene example made by Buzz, see Buzz_DOF_example_info.jpg for explanation. Original Buzz post : -Added new shadermagic.tss file (fixed the memory bug leak and error dialog box after launching trueSpace on recent Windows.) -Added some missing files from Virtualight standalone. ( see folder "Virualight" ) -Added a new default config icons file for the modelside, "icons_expanded.tsc", all icons are expanded. In "SDK_tS66\Freebasic_SDK" folder: -Added SDK trueSpace 6.6 for freebasic (with the original SDK tS66),Freebasic 0.23.0 ( and FbEdit1076 (, Freebasic SDK made by DesignDevil ( ). -Added the file "" made by Primitive Itch inside the SDK. -Added python doc files (shared by stan) TSX FULL PLUGINS LIST ( "tsx" folder, plugins for the Modelside aka trueSpace 6.6 ): ===================== You can find some tutorials and help docs for the plugins, browse all plugins folders to find them!! NOTE: All Chikara's plugins are already unlocked for the trueSpace Modelside Edition 2.1 installation. At the base of "TSX" folder: -(in folder) ARender_V1.11____by____Johny_Tho -(in folder) Infinity 2.01____by____Gallo_Software -(in folder) Freecp2,3,4____by____Simon Windmill -(in folder) Polyorg 1.0____by____Fenerit -(in folder) PrimalParticles____by____Primitive Itch -(in folder) SimpleDissect_1.3b____by____Ken Tylman -(in folder) toolslib____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxCalculator 1.3.1____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxColourPicker 1.3____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxHorn_1.4____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxMultiText_1.2____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxSpring_1.4____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tsxSVGExport1.3____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tsxSymbols1.0____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxtop2edge1.2____by____Fenerit -(in folder) tSxtruder66____by____Fenerit (you need to set the INI path before launching tsxtruder, see the readme file for more informations.) -(in folder) tSxVxColorize_1.0____by____Fenerit -(in folder) Viewlib____by____Fenerit -Bevel-lib____by____Pinacoderm -PrimalParticlesFX____by____Primitive Itch "ANIMATION" folder: -Addkf_1.01____by____Chikara Kojima -AnimaCinema____by____Unknow -Animators_toolbox____by____Nick Robalik ( Plugins suite for animation: Tails, Shakadelic Pro, Real-time Array, Neo-kern, Strobe-lights, Animation eraser, Animation slider and Fps converter.) -AnimDote_1.1____by____Richard Robinson "Nall" and Joseph Brewer -Animo____by____PixelMachinery -AniNoise____by____Aardwerk Software -Bonetovertex____by____Caligari -Bpmsync_1.02____by____Chikara Kojima -Cacophony100b1U|V____by____Urban Velkavrh -***Clothmotion_1.22____by____Chikara Kojima (password already entered to unlock limitations, see the readme file.) -ClothRelaxer____by____Primitive Itch -DD_visibilityrecorder____by____DesignDevil -Easynail_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -Firepower____by____PCSS -Framslider____by____Lightning Software products -Ikeffect____by____Chikara Kojima -Jointmaster_2.12____by____Chikara Kojima -keyframemaster_1.01____by____Chikara Kojima -Killani____by____Martin Coster -MotionStudioPro_1.1.0.2____by____Primitive Itch (you need to set "AutoRecord" to "Off" by right-clicking on the "Record Key" tool before using this plugin.) -***Multimorph 2.02____by____Chikara Kojima (password already entered to unlock limitations, see the readme file.) -Nailer____by____Greg_Basset -NullObj____by____PixelMachinery -Objcontroller_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -Particlz____by____Tom Schlosser -PoorMocap____by____Rodrigo Hernández (Aeongames) -Position_Exporter_for_Particles_Illusions____by____Chikara Kojima -PowerAni____by____PCSS -ResetRot____by____Fenerit -Shakadelic____by____Joe Brewer ( The Shakadelic Pro version can be found in the "Animators-toolbox" plugin suite in "TSX\ANIMATION" folder. ) -***Skinmodifier 1.23____by____Chikara Kojima (password already entered to unlock limitations, see the readme file.) -***TrueContraints 1.55____by____Chikara Kojima (password already entered to unlock limitations, see the readme file.) -***trueDisplacement_1.13____by____Chikara Kojima (password already entered to unlock limitations, see the readme file.) -Wave_Generator_1.5 (DEMO)____by____Lightning Software’s -WiredForSound____by____Aardwerk Software -Wheelwrite_1.50____by____Chikara Kojima ***(See the folder of the plugins that need password and copy paste the password from the txt file.) "IMPORT_EXPORT" folder: -BVH_import____by____I. Clinton Reese -CSM_Export____by____EddieRay ( need to set the path of Cartography shop inside the ini or log files made by the plugin, see in the folder plugin. ) -DTS_Export____by____Dark Industries -export_Direct_X____by____Robert W. Cordell -import_export_unreal____by____I. Clinton Reese -Mapper_1.2.1 (DEMO)____by____Rodrigo Hernández (Aeongames), need to launch the installation setup file to install it. -Obj_luuv 1.1.4____by____Pinacoderm -Ogre3D_Export____by____TheComputerGuru (compiled by stan) -SVG_Import____by____Dino Winter -SWF_Flash____by____Caligari -u|v the I/O collection version 0.2.0____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh "INTERFACE" folder: -a10hud____by____Aardwerk Software -Autosave1.3____by____Pavel Kudrys ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Autosaver____by____Martin R. Coster -CleanIt____by____PixelMachinery -Colour_roulette_1.0.0____by____Pinacoderm -CoolViewer____by____Mindfusion -Copypaste____ by____Emmanuel Asset and Gordon Stanton -DD_Loadtexturemap____by____DesignDevil -DD_Magicbox____by____DesignDevil -DD_Pickthrue____by____DesignDevil -DD_SceneExplorer (beta)____by_____DesignDevil -DD_Visualselector____by____DesignDevil -DD_Widgets____by____DesignDevil -DistanceBM2____ by____Gordon Stanton -Eyezoom66____by____Daniel Sterckx -Findcamera_1.10____by____Chikara Kojima -FullTextures____by____Libor_Stolc -Hide1.1____by____Pavel Kudrys ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Hold&Fetch____by____Greg Bassett ( you need to create a temp folder at "c:\temp" or the plugin don't work. ) -Layery____by____Primitive Itch -Livewire_1.12____by_____R.Karl Lilje -navWidget____by____I. Clinton Reese -Nurbs_infos2015____by____I. Clinton Reese -ObjectBrowse____by____Rich Wolkins -ObjectList____by____Libor_Stolc -Objectloader1.3____by____Pavel Kudrys ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Objectpanel_1.5____by____Gordon Stanton -ObjectSave____by____Gordon Stanton -PanCamera1.1____by____Pavel Kudrys ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -peWidget____by____I. Clinton Reese -piAxisTool1_0____by____Primitive Itch -piContextEditTool____by____Primitive Itch -piHidingTool1_0____by____Primitive Itch -piPanelTool1_0____by____Primitive Itch -piSceneTool1_1____by____Primitive Itch -Plugin_Bar____by____Casey Langen -PopMenu_0.9.2____by____Pavel Kudrys ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -pView2Cam____by____Zion3D -PViewer____by____Zion3D -QuickCameras____by____Libor Stolc -RSHide1.75____by____RicScan -RSLayers1.2.1____by____RicScan -Scenename____by____Lars Nilsson -SelectionBoxHide____by____Gordon Stanton -SHinfo1.0____by____Richard Robinson "Nall" -Shiten_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -Timer____by____Quantum Chamaeleon -triGrids____by____Jonathan G. Koehn -Tsx_Extender_2.1____by____Primitive Itch -TrueView____by____Nate Hayes -Utility_Pack___by____Casey Langen, (Click 'n Fetch, trueSaver and Select-It plugins.) -View2cam_1.00____by____Chikara Kojima -ViewMaster____by____Naked Hoof -Wipe____by_____Simon Windmill -ZoomToFit_1.01____by____Chikara Kojima "LIGHTING" folder: -3D_Light_Array_Generator____by____Casey Langen -FlammaLux_1.0____by____Gustavio Migélez Carballeira -Gaffer's Assistant_1.1____by____Primitive Itch -Light_colour____by____Pinacoderm -Lightman____by____Matthew Bolton -Lightmanager____by____Richard Robinson aka Remnar -Modelight_1.02____by____Chikara Kojima -Spotty____by____Daniel Sterckx "MODELING" folder: -A11lock____by____Aardwerk Software -APlane____by____Johny Tho -Axetools____by____I. Clinton Reese -Anghenfil_Forge____by____Staffan Hellström and Matthew Chan -Bevel-lib____by____I. Clinton Reese -Bisect____by____Ken Tylman -Blend-O-Matic____by____Alain Bellon -Cityblock_1.1____by____Bill Crowe -ClearVertexColors____by____Caligari -Copyex_1.07____by____Chikara Kojima -DD_Axes____by____DesignDevil -DD_LineUpPoints____by____DesignDevil -Edge2Path_1.21____by____Chikara Kojima -etc103 Demo____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -fabulousExpando____by____Alan McIntyre -FaceMaster_1.13____by____Chikara Kojima -Faceunifier_1.00____by____Chikara Kojima -fcreator_333____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -Flattenface____by____Matthew Bolton -Flattenline____by____Matthew Bolton -Fusion_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -Gears_1.0____by____Peter Pearson -Geosphere_1.0_Demo____by____Rodrigo Hernández (Aeon Games) -Giddysnap____by____Giddy -Gm_Primitive____by____Richard Rodriguez -Greeble____by____Pinacoderm -Hairtsx____by____Primitive Itch -HairPlug_ts5____by____Primitive Itch -InfoClone_1.1b____by____Zion3D -invertCurve____by____I. Clinton Reese -invertPatch____by____I. Clinton Reese -Magnetic____by________by____Pavel Kudrys ( Need to launch the installation setup in first before using this plugin. ) -Magnetic_Vertex_1.04____by____Chikara Kojima -MagneticPath_1.03____by____Chikara Kojima -Mb_deselect____by____Matthew Bolton -Meltmeshle_1.01____by____Chikara Kojima -MeshCollapse____by____Caligari -MeshForge 5.0____by____Primitive Itch -Meshsize_1.5____by____Bendy's 3D Systems -MirrorLocation____by____Gordon Stanton -MirrorXYZ_1.10____by____Chikara Kojima -Moveaxes____by____Dino Winter -normalizeAxes____by____I. Clinton Reese -NSymmetry008____by____RicScan -Nurbs_revolve_lathe____by____I. Clinton Reese -Nurbs_Cage____by____I. Clinton Reese -Nurbs_rebuild_curve____by____I. Clinton Reese -Nurbs_rebuild_patch____by____I. Clinton Reese -Nurbs_to_polygon____by____I. Clinton Reese -ObjectAxes_1.00____by____Chikara Kojima -ObjectGenerator____by____PCSS -Object_merging_1.01____by____Kurohyo Hamano -ObjectMoveCopy____by____Libor Štolc -ObjectSnap____by____Libor Štolc -ObjRow_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -PipeWorks____by____Richard Robinson aka Remnar -Plugin_Pack_1.0____by____Casey Langen, (Autosaver, Animation Attacher, Click 'n' Fetch2, Real-Time Primitives and Object Replacer plugins.) -Pointclone_1.03____by____Chikara Kojima -Polycombine____by____I. Clinton Reese -Polygon_to_nurbs____by____I. Clinton Reese -Polylock_1.04____by____Chikara Kojima -***Polytools_1.01____by____Chikara Kojima (password already entered to unlock limitations, see the readme file.) (also include all PolyFree plugins in the Polytools folder.) -Primitives3____by____Richard Robinson "Nall" -Repositioner____by____Richard Robinson "Nall" -Rounded Bevel-1.02b____by____Ken Tylman -Rotate left&right90°____by____Vladimir Sisolak -Rotoscope_1.02____by____Chikara Kojima -RSNurbsCap008____by____RicScan -Scatter____by____Richard Robinson aka Remnar -Sizeex_1.13____by____Chikara Kojima -SJCutnPaste____by____Alexander Shyrokov aka SJ -SJSlicer____by____Alexander Shyrokov aka SJ -Skin_from_sections_1.01____by____Kurohyo Hamano -Snaproll____by____DigitalFlux Entertainment -solidify____by____Caligari -Space_it____by____Ronald Rainwater -SpinQ____by____John Thomas -Sprinkle____by____Brett Fattori -strutEdge251____by____Remnar -Styx____by________by____Richard Robinson aka Remnar -Taisho5_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -toggleAllAxes____by____I. Clinton Reese -TrueFloor1____by____Libor_Stolc -trueObject1.0____by____Nekind -Unselect____by____Ken Tylman -vcTEK2____by____ -Vertex_slider 2.00____by____Kurohyo Hamano -Weld_curve_2012____by____I. Clinton Reese -Weld_patch_2012____by____I. Clinton Reese -Wsnh____by____Joe Messina -XFer____by____Richard Robinson aka Remnar ***(See the folder of the plugins that need password and copy paste the password from the txt file.) "RENDERING" folder: -Batchrender_1.02____by____Chikara Kojima -Dribble____by____Simon Windmill_and_DesignDevil -piAAZBufferTool1_1____by____Primitive Itch -piZBufferTool1_1____by____Primitive Itch -ShapeClone_1.12____by____Chikara Kojima -SJArender____by____Alexander Shyrokov aka SJ (you need to put "devil.dll" somewhere in the path (for example to c:\win\system32). -SmoothRender_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -Starfield_1.11____by____Chikara Kojima -Toonedge_1.02____by____Chikara Kojima -Volumetric_Fog_2.00b_6a____by____Richard Robinson aka Remnar -Zrender_2.00____by____Chikara Kojima "TEXTURING" folder: -Ertex____by____Ed Phillips -FlipUV____by____unknown japanese -GFX_realUVmap_1.1____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -UVcow100____by____u|v Urban Velkavrh -UVRip_1.05____by____Bendy's 3D Systems -UVTools_2.5____by____Primitive Itch -UVtweak2____by____Primitive Itch TIP by Emmanuel Asset: ===================== In tS6.6 (modelside) there was a Foreground Effect Shader to set a Global Environment Map that works with reflective objects. That shader has been removed in tS7.6. The workaround is to turn on HDRI, turn off the Use Only Env. Lights checkbox, and select a picture file (or avi) as Global Env. If you set HDRI Light Intensity to zero, render will be as fast as tS6.6's . TIP by Marcel: ============= In tS6.6 (modelside) if you have problem with "object render options", here the way to fix it, when you change the option of shadow the object is invisible for the render. What i do is to delete the object and create another before i Save the scene, If it is a complex object i avoid to lost my work whith this method : i export the object in obj format then i import it to replace the bad object (Save and import a bad object as a trueSpace object don't change the problem, it is why i think it is a bug of TS). UNOFFICIAL UPDATE PATCH CONTENT by trueBlue and Clintonman (already patched in Modelside editon): ================================================================================================ Open trueSpace 7.6 and select the "Reset to Default Context" icon inside the "Generate new space" icon ( hold the left mouse button on the icon ). It is not necessary to Reset the Default Context, if you did not open trueSpace prior to applying the patch. After the above steps are complete, you will find additional objects in the library Browser which can further enhance trueSpace "Workspace side". click on "library Browser" icon at bottom of the UI, search and select "Objects - tS7.6 Update objects", right-click on and choose Open library, this will add the new objects in the library list at right side. Special thanks to Clinton Reese for his help with the scripting in this final phase. List of Features and "Fixes" provided in this Update Note: LMB = left mouse button. MMB = middle mouse button. RMB = right mouse button. ================================================================================== :: Layouts 4View, Default, Floating, and trueSpace6 * These layouts have been fixed to prevent the Main toolbars from showing on the Desktop when tS7.6 is Minimized by merging the bottom two Workspace toolbars together into one toolbar and are docked with the Status panel. * Added an Expanded layout * Removed all of the RS...toolbar Frame Windows. * Removed the coordinate view names from the Titlebars. IE:Perspective :: Toolbars Animation Editor toolbar * Added a Reset function by adding a prototype. 3D Record toolbar * Added RMB command to the Play icon which opens its preference panel in the Stack/Panel. jScript Record toolbar * Added a Stop all Activities icon VBScript Record toolbar * Added a Stop all Activities icon Workspace Main toolbar * Unencapsulate 3D icon - Added a button to Unencapsulate selected objects. * Copy icon - Changed the LMB command to include multiple selections and insert the copied objects to any opened Link Editor view at X = 600 and Y = 600 and offset each copied object horizontaly by 60. This only works in the Default or similar layouts. IE: It is path dependent. All other layouts the copied objects are inserted underneath the selected objects. RMB Command opens a Link Editor view and inserts the copied objects offset into the scene level only and works in all layouts. Note: Ctrl + C keys still uses the original command. * Delete icon - Changed the LMB command to include multiple selections. Note: Delete key still uses the original command. * Reset Default Context icon - Changed the LMB command to include a dialog giving you a choice to reset or not reset. * Save current State - 'Default Context Backup' icon - Included. * 3D Record toolbar icon - Modified it's placement. * jScript Macro toolbar icon - Modified it's placement. RMB - Inserts a jScript Command. * VBScript Macro toolbar icon - Modified it's placement. RMB - Inserts a VBScript Comma * New Scene icon - Added RMB command to navigate to the scene level in the Link Editor. * Unlook At icon - Added button that removes the Look At. * Show icon - LMB Shows all the selected objects and RMB Shows the new Object Render Attributes panel for the selected object. * Hide icon - LMB Hides all the selected objects and RMB Shows the new Object Render Attributes panel for the selected object. * Show All icon - LMB Shows and RMB Hides any objects that have an Object Render Attributes panel. Workspace Navigation toolbar * Object tool icon - Added a LMB command to Unselect everything selected. * Axis reset icon - Changed the tooltip to: Reset Axis. * Axis tool icon - Added RMB command to toggle 'On/Off' the Axis Widget's 'Show In Front'. * Set Default Pose icon - Added a dialog to cancel setting the Default Pose if one is already present. :: Widgets Removed the duplicated Widgets. Object Move, Rotate, and Scale widgets * MMB select in empty space deactivates each tool and it's icon highlighting. Camera Move, Rotate, FOV, and Rectangle Zoom widgets * MMB select in empty space deactivates each tool and its icon highlighting. :: Panels * Postprocess - Added Edit Boxes to the panel. * Material Editor - 'Edit in the Link Editor' enabled. Also added a RMB command to the 'Edit DX Material in the Link Editor' icon that navigates to the scene level in the Link Editor. * Snapping - Exported the 'Snap Radius' attribute on the Grid aspect. * Windows Setting - Fixed the Edit Boxes to Update on Change. * Object Render Attributes panels - Added a Name attribute for the owner's path and name. * Scene panels - Changed the command for the "Show Object Attribs" to the new Show script. * All Lights have a new UI with all of their aspects showing in the Stack/Panel and include an Intensity attribute for their Solid Color. Default = 1 which equals no Intensity. Note: The Default light setup is the only library item that was modified with the new lights. Unfortunately all pre existing lights, scenes, libraries, and Light setups will have the original lights. :: Misc * Camera - The Camera's Shape was modified so that the mesh does not show when vewing from any camera in some instances. The Camera's tool placement position is now Z = 1.000 Thanks to Caligari and all contributors! Cellulo 31 October 2016